HerBEST members, what are they like?

This is one of the most frequently asked questions from our customers.
Yes, your question is right. You don ’t see them!

Because our housekeeping teems go to your house during day time which most of customers are working. So for Us, we see them everyday, but for them, especially who is having active life in Yangon, don’t have a chance to meet them so often.

As for myself, who know both our customers and our members, always wish they meet each other oneday ,because both of them are brilliant.

As an example, Ma Thu Thu, from Yangon, is one of the most careful members in HerBEST. She started working since August 2017. Since then, she became core members of HerBEST. As the most honest, and careful minded person, she is super good at finding customer’s needs. From finding a button came off from a shirt, or dirt on pants, she will find it and if will be fixed very neatly, if it comes into her hands. Always she tries to find it, before customer actually says. She is always thinking how we can make our precious customer happier.

Mr. Williams, one of our customers, started our service since Sep. 2017.He is such a respectful and attentive person. Whenever something is changed at his house — ex. neatly arranged house dresser and windows brushed dust off away — even in small changes, he find it and try to show us “thank you”.

As for me doing customer communication and knowing both sides and how each of you are caring each other have to connect two of them for becoming a company connecting their heart.
Maybe today, Mr.William is wearing a neatly ironed shirt which had been done carefully by Ma Thu Thu.